God: Do you want to know Me or don’t you?

Oh you know…a continuation of the same. My mind is swinging back and forth trying to find some point in the pendulum that makes sense and is the right thing to do. Sometimes the right thing to do doesn’t make sense and it is a leap of faith. What if I do stay on through the whole season and have faith in God that he has a plan for me at the end that is going to give Him all the glory and blow my mind? Oooooor the wisest thing to do is to separate myself from this destructive situation and leave the 5 months of working my ass off on the table along with 75% of my earnings.

The hardest thing about this is that I’ve been encouraging you to continue on because God can give strength to push through this proverbial mountain, and now I’m growing obese because of all the high calorie words I’m having to eat.
God: I’m so glad that you believe that I can help overcome this
Trey: Me too God, me too
God: Jen is safe and at peace and we are having a great time with Goose
Trey: God your are the best.
God: Thank you
Trey:…………………………Sooooo, let’s say you and I go join them and let these crazy people destroy themselves?
Trey: I mean I can just dust off my shoes right?
Trey: Whooo!…Me, Jen and God……….ROAD TRIP!!!!…..WOOHOO?
God: I love these people
Trey:…..but Goooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God: You told me that your leader said one thing and then when an easier option came along he chose that over you. Is the easy road working out for him?
Trey: I think we both know that it’s destined for failure…and in fact it’s a failure that I would not like to be a part of.
God: Do you remember the story of the disciples running around on the boat  when the storm cam up, they came running down and interrupted a very peaceful sleep to inform me that they had no faith. I arose and calmed the sea with some words and went back to bed.
Trey:…….Listen, I am really uncomfortable and I can think of a lot of people that would agree with me leaving.
God: I love those people too, but aren’t you tired of trusting people over me?
Trey: Without a single doubt in my mind.
God: Joseph?
Trey (Joseph): Yes sir?
God:  Remember Joseph prospered in slavery because he trusted me and because of that willingness he was a part of something greater than he even knew, and his story inspires even now….now in fact.
Trey: (deep breath)
God: Here’s what I’d like you to do
Trey: I’ll get my knife!
God: Every morning before any other faces, seek mine. Before any other words, speak to me. Before any other action open my Word. Seek me first and don’t stop until you sleep…wash, rinse, repeat…and I will show you what you asked me to show you 6 months ago.
Trey: I’m trying to be who you want me to be, but I’m weakened by my many faults.
God: Perfect!…that will work nicely, that way I shall get all the glory and others will see Me in your life and perhaps they will want to meet me.
Trey: Good Talk.
God: Good Talk.

One thought on “God: Do you want to know Me or don’t you?

  1. This made me cry!!! I love that God is personal, all the love languages!! He meets you where you r at! Oh Trey, what an amazing opportunity to b used by God! Always praying for you and you r in my thoughts.
    Love you,
    Holly 🙂

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